Saturday, December 6, 2008

Back on Midway

After a fantastic fall in Portland, I'm back on Midway again for the winter field season. It has been a bit of a whirlwind over the last few weeks, preparing for the field while trying to get in as much time as I can with friends. Now that I'm here, things should slow down a bit, although getting here was a bit hectic unto itself. Basically, I've had four plane flight over each of the last four days. I flew from Portland to Oahu on Tuesday, Oahu to Tern Island on Wednesday, return to Oahu on Thursday, and Oahu to Midway last night. The flight to Midway was the longest and hardest because we flew right into a weather front that tossed the plane around for about an hour. I was psyched to get down on the ground! It was all worth it though, and I even got a nice shot of the sunrise Wednesday morning from about 12,000 feet (above).

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